Brother of leukemia patient in China changed his mind on day of donation – 捐骨髓日哥變卦 弟網上懇求生機












32 year old Cheung Sing-Yao, a medical engineer in Beijing, was first diagnosed with acute leukemia in January 2007. 

A perfect unrelated marrow match was identified in Jiangxi at that time, however Cheung could not afford the approximate cost of $500,000 Yuan for the transplant, and therefore went through 6 rounds of chemotheraphy instead to try and put his leukemia in remission.  Which lasted for about a year, and ultimately relapsed in September 2008.

According to Cheung’s oncologist, a marrow transplant is Cheung’s only hope now for long term survival.  Unfortunately, the unrelated donor in Jiangxi has retracted their participation to be a marrow donor, leaving Cheung’s older brother, who is a half match (or haplo match), his only hope.

Cheung’s co-workers raised approximately $70,000 Yuan.  Cheung borrowed  from the bank, and Cheung’s employer agreed to pay for the balance so that a transplant can proceed before this Spring. 

Cheung’s brother travelled from their home village to Beijing to start the pre-transplant physical exams.  However, on the morning of Dec 28th, 2008,  he evidently changed his mind, left the hospital without notice and kept his cell phone turned off since.

Cheung repeatedly tried to reach his brother to appeal his decision, but was unable to get through in person or by phone.   On Jan 1,2009 , Cheung posted his appeal on a blog hoping to reach his brother through the internet.

Through a phone interview on Jan 2, 2009, Cheung’s  brother, a primary school teacher, told a local reporter that the success rate of a haplo transplant is relatively low compared to a transplant from an unrelated perfect match, and he was concerned that the donation process would affect his already ailing back.  He also told the reporter that his wife would divorce him if he went through with the donation. 

According to Cheung’s oncologist, the donation process definitely will not affect Cheung’s brother’s health in any way.  And even though the success rate of a haplo transplant is lower than a perfect unrelated match, time is of the essence for Cheung right now and a transplant of his older brother’s half-matched marrow is Cheung’s best hope for survival.

While Cheung and his parents continue to hope that his older brother will change his mind soon, Cheung’s step-sister has recently submitted her blood for an HLA typing, and the Chinese marrow registry continues to search for a perfect unrelated match for Cheung.

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